EVERY company that accepts payment by credit card needs to be secure. Nobody can argue with that. PCI regulations gives us a really useful set of guidelines - a definition of security.

In this chart, we use the PCI guidelines, and show the areas in which we can help. (You can click the 'info' signs for details.)

      My store is powered by AspDotNetStorefront v10 with no custom changes
      My store is powered by AspDotNetStorefront v10 and there is no payment form on my site
      I host with AspDotNetStorefront
      I host with AspDotNetStorefront AND subscribe to security services
      I subscribe to preFIX (but without security services)
      I subscribe to preFIX with security services

1: Manage firewall(s) to protect data
2: Lock down your store and control access
3: Protect stored cardholder data
4: Encrypt transmission across open, public networks
5: Use anti-virus software
6: Develop secure systems and applications
7: Restrict access by business 'need to know'
8: Authenticate access to padded cell
9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data
10: Track and monitor all movements
11: Test security systems and processes
12: Think about wider risks for your business

We cover this
You cover this
PayPal Complete Payment Platform - PCPP